Elevate Your Mind: 7-Day Devotional

Elevated Thoughts


We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

Paul was a man on a mission for Jesus. Not only did he lay down his life for the sake of being the hands and feet of the Gospel, but he was passionate about spreading the good news. We see in scripture the way he positioned his mind time and time again as hardships kept coming his way. He refused to shy away from what he believed and continuously encouraged others to replace negative thoughts with ones that are of God. Thoughts that are praiseworthy, admirable, and true. 

What was it that helped Paul move forward in the midst of trials? His mindset. Over the past few years, this has been a game changer for me as I learned how to think better, to live better. Let me ask you this - what is the first thought that comes to mind when your alarm goes off in the morning? Is it, “Oh man, I have to go into this job I don’t like,” or could it be “Today is just not my day.” In those very moments you are already setting the tone for the remainder of the day. I remember waking up and the negative thoughts flooding in before I could even open both eyes. I just wanted to snooze and go back to sleep. Little did I know, my day was being shaped by these very thoughts as they were starting to take up space in my mind. I knew that I needed to make a change ASAP. I began to write 2 Corinthians 10:5 in my journal and reflect on what it would look like to implement this truth in my life that brother Paul spoke of. And that’s exactly where the change started - with just one step. As soon as a negative thought tried to take up inventory in my mind, I immediately replaced it with the positive. Instead of thinking “I’m really not feeling it today,” I began to say out loud, “Today is another day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it,” “Today is the best day ever!”

Our thoughts shape our perspective in every situation. They help us see the hope we’ve been called to and defines our circumstances rather than letting our circumstances define us. Whenever a negative thought tries to slide in today, go ahead and press ‘delete’ and ‘ctrl-alt-replace’ it with something that fuels your spirit and brings more life. 


  1. What thoughts have been holding you back from stepping into all God has for you? 

  2. How can you start changing the way you think today?


Father, I ask that you renew my mind today. Help me to get rid of any thoughts that have been plaguing my mind and change my mindset to focus on you. Fill my mind with thoughts that are noble, lovely and excellent. I’m ready to think and live better today. In your matchless name I pray, Amen.

Controlled Emotions


But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6 (NIV)

James’ letter to the Jews is jam-packed with exhortation as he encourages his readers to live consistently by what they have learned in the teachings of Christ. He challenges them to make it their way of life without any hesitation. “Doubt” is defined as a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. The uncertainty that can cripple us by keeping us in the ring boxing with fear, shame and worry. The feelings that can take control and cause us to feel as though we’re searching for a glimpse of freedom to peek over the mountain top when the peak seems to get higher and higher.

In 2018, when I was living in Chicago, I remember sharing a daily devotional time with my dad. It was a combination of my “100 Days of Bible Promises” and his Heyward Allen Toyota, “The Word for You Today”. We were always blown away by how our devotionals would align every single morning, even 700 miles apart. During this season, I was transitioning out of a toxic relationship that was unstable, bearing no fruit whatsoever. I remember the feelings of insecurity and confusion; I wanted so badly to understand why I was feeling this chaos in my soul and total lack of peace. As I shared my feelings with my dad, he would remind me to allow my emotions to be shaped by a mind governed by the spirit instead of one governed by the flesh. For me this started with looking to Christ and letting Him lead in all that I did. Dad constantly reminded me to dwell on thoughts that were pure, lovely, just and commendable so that my emotions would follow that precedence. 

My dad’s and my desires were being transformed to want to feel the peace of the Lord wherever we went, to be led by the spirit full of wisdom, joy and goodness all the days of our lives. Today is a great day to step into your emotional freedom. Stop letting  worry and fear determine how you feel. Rise up today and ask God to give you the fruit of self-control over every emotion, and watch your emotions yield the most beautiful outcomes. 


  1. What are you allowing to control your emotions? 

  2. How can you pivot your thinking in order to yield healthy, life-giving emotions?


Jesus, thank you for the fruit of self-control. Allow it to expand and grow in me so that I can stand on the firm foundation that has been promised to those who put their faith in you. Help me to recognize when the grounds are shaky and bring me to your truth that eliminates doubt and drives out worry and fear. For your renown, Amen.

Better Decisions


Teach me your way, Lord, so that I can walk in your truth. Make my heart focused only on honoring your name.

Psalm 86:11 (CEB)

David was a man after God’s own heart. We see throughout scripture how he pours his heart out to God as he journeyed through the many seasons of life. In the highest peaks and lowest valleys. One thing that stands out in this verse is his heart posture and longing to seek the will of God for His life. He had a desire to know the ways of God so they could shape his heart, decisions and actions. We don’t see him asking for a revelation, a blessing, or the most praise from his friend group - but he wanted his decisions to honor the Lord, for His renown and glory alone. 

There have been many seasons where I’ve personally fell into the trap of doing what Crystal wanted to do instead of seeking God’s best for my life. In every situation, it always ended up being a less fulfilling experience, and I learned that nothing, or the approval from anyone, could ever compare to God’s plan and His ways. I began to see the differences in the situations where I took matters into my own hands and how different outcomes were when I fully surrendered to Him. My desires started to change, and they were being shaped daily. “Less of me and more of you Lord,” became a daily anthem. Use me as a vessel of your love and light so that others can experience the sweet fragrance of your love. My decisions were being guided by His word and truth - not by what I thought was best. 

Each day, we make tons of decisions. At our jobs, in our homes, while we’re driving, serving - you name it, we are always making decisions. Each starting with a thought that influences the feelings and decisions that follow. In all of this decision-making, one thing remains true; The faithfulness of Jesus. He will give us what we need to walk in His truth if we can just trust Him to take the lead. He’s right here with you, and you have the opportunity to posture your heart to focus every decision around Him and watch Him get all the glory.


  1. How are you being intentional about aligning your decisions with God’s desires?

  2. What do you feel is keeping you from fully stepping into that alignment with Him and His truth?


Jesus, thank you for meeting me in every decision I make. Help me to remove any desire to control, and replace it with a desire to surrender wholeheartedly to you and your ways. Help me to want more of you Lord and guide me as I seek to bring you glory all the days of my life. In your name I pray, Amen.

Kingdom Actions


And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

Colossians 3:17 (NLT)

Going back to day one of this devotional series, we learned more about Paul and His purpose to help others live for Christ. Here we see him sharing another message to the church of Colossae. I love Paul’s directive here, and how he is encouraging others to put their best foot forward no matter what - remembering that it’s for the Lord, not man or woman. There is greater purpose, greater meaning, more lives that will be touched because of your obedience to make your actions a reflection of the Father. 

Earlier this year, I went through a season where I was feeling less motivated. I was working from home at the time and the desire to log onto my computer was very minuscule. I knew the drive was in me, but also felt that something was off, and I asked God to help me understand what I was experiencing in these moments. One thing He spoke to me during a time of reflection was that my lack of motivation was being driven by the thoughts of what I had on my to-do list, two, three days down the line. I wasn’t even giving myself an opportunity to be present and to seek what God was calling me to do for that day only. I remember coming across this scripture, writing it on a sticky note and putting it on the wall in my closet where I could see it daily. This decision led to active prayer regarding how I had been feeling for the past few months. My prayer was to receive God’s grace and mercies that are new each day. To be able to see beyond my circumstances and focus on how God was using me in my place of work for the advancement of the Kingdom. In those moments, He used this scripture to ignite the flame within and empower me to put my best foot forward, knowing there’s always an opportunity to advance the Kingdom with my actions. 

Your actions hold weight and the ones that may seem small to you, could be life-changing for someone else. Let these questions be a combination of, “What would Jesus do?' and “Can this action be carried out in the name of Jesus, and to His glory?”


  1. Do you feel your actions are bringing glory to God and helping others? 

  2. What are some ways you see this happening in your life? 


Father, thank you for the opportunity to learn more about you and your character. I thank you for teaching me how to represent you in my actions and pray that whatever I do or say is a representation of you. For your glory alone, Amen.

Fruitful Habits


And then God answered: Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letter so that it can be read on the run. 

Habakkuk 2:2 (MSG)

The prophet Habakkuk was not afraid to ask God questions. In the chapter prior we see him ask a series of questions, while simultaneously sharing his feelings and thoughts with God. He cried out from the depths of his soul for answers. We see here that God heard and answered with truth and simplicity. He didn’t give this long drawn-out list of things to do or boxes to check off, but He gave Habakkuk practical instructions that would not only impact his life but the lives of those around him as well. 

Back in January 2020, the Lord gave me the word “elevate” and began to speak to me about the ministry He would eventually launch later that year. With futuristic being one of my top character strengths, I immediately wanted to see all the details of this vision, and how it would play out. This particular scripture came up in a devotional I was reading at the time, and it was such a gentle reminder to allow God to be God as He reveals additional pieces to the puzzle. He didn’t say go out and hire a marketing team to help speed up the process - but He simply said write what I gave you and keep listening. This turned into daily journaling and prayer about the vision God had given me about Elevate. Although I had no idea how it would all come together, I trusted that He did and still does. The habits that were created in my quiet time with Him have now led to me having an arsenal of “by faith” moments that I can reference at any time to encourage myself and others. To go back and read on days when it seems like the vision is slipping through the cracks. The fruit of the habits continue to blow my mind.

Take a moment to sit and reflect on how your habits can be honoring to God. Think about the thoughts that helped you gain control over your emotions, that helped you make better decisions, that led to better actions and ultimately shaped fruitful habits. Remember, I’m not asking you to write a New York Times Best Seller (although that’s beautiful too), but it can be the small things that we do consistently that lead to a lifetime of witnessing God’s glorious wonders. 


  1. What is something you believe God is asking you to make a fruitful habit?

  2.  What do you feel is preventing you from taking that step and why? 


Jesus, I honor you and praise your Holy name. Allow my habits to bring glory to your Kingdom and inspire others around me. Soften my heart, turn it from stone to flesh as you give me the directives and consistency that propels me into your will for my life. Less of me, more of you Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Purposeful Character


For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) 

Once again, brother Paul coming through with an affirming word of encouragement. It’s so amazing to know that because of Christ we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, built to do the very things that were destined for our lives since we were in our mother’s womb. To know that God had a plan for our lives before we even knew we existed brings limitless affirmation that through Him we are also given the gifts, talents and abilities that build our God-given character. The character that will reflect Him. The character that people notice when entering a room. The character that allows us to walk in our calling and be all God created us to be. 

As I stepped into serving with the students ministry at Passion City Church, I knew that I always had a desire and passion for serving and leading the youth. I had served in a similar capacity before, but there was something about this time that was different from the others. What made it special was the revelation I had on how God had been building my character over the past 30 years in order for me to be able to serve students. Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Our nature, personality, attributes. I began to think about all of the mentees and girls I had the privilege of coaching and leading from middle school through my adult years. God was placing different experiences in my life that were all tied to raising up the next generation. He was building my character to serve wholeheartedly. He showed me that I am indeed His handiwork built to do the good things He had in store for me to do long ago. Not good things for the sake of me getting a pat on the back, but to care generously for His precious children.

Our Heavenly Father wants to do the same in and through you. He knows every plan that He has for you and has called you His chosen masterpiece. It boils down to if you believe this promise is for you. Because once you believe, you trust that He has a plan for you and nothing could ever change it. The growing, the stretching and the refining are all a part of the character-building process. Lean in. He’s ready to  reveal all the good things that He’s always known about you. 


  1. What experiences have you had recently that are helping you build your God-given character? 

  2. What thoughts may be trying to interfere with you believing you’re God’s royal masterpiece? 


Jesus, I am both humbled and honored to be called chosen by you. Thank you for loving me to new life and for bringing me from death to life so that I can do the amazing things you planned for me to do long ago. Build a character in me that reflects your character and who you are. Make me more like you Jesus. In your name I pray, Amen.

God’s Will


Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

As we journey through each day of this devotional, I pray you are able to see how each topic is connected to one another. Starting with our thoughts, shaping our feelings and emotions, leading to the decisions and actions we make. To how that drives our habits and builds our character. This is something that my family and I like to call the anatomy of life. I remember the first time we shared it with each other and how I immediately wanted to memorize each step in order to repeat it back.  But it was way more than memorizing each step in the process. These were daily principles that I needed to prioritize and partner with the Lord on as I opened my heart to the transformation He was doing in my life. 

Each day has been different and there are some days where I need to spend more time getting my thoughts aligned with His word and others where I need to be mindful of how I’m letting my emotions mold my decisions. But even in the different stages of learning and listening, I am reminded of how this process all starts in the mind. The ability to prevent negative, toxic thoughts from pitching a tent in my mind, so that I am able control my emotions vs. my emotions taking control of me. I’ve learned that when we can get our thinking aligned with God’s truth in His word, this becomes a filter we can use to quickly sift through what should remain (based on His word) and what needs to be DELETED. 

Let’s acknowledge the power of the mind and how essential it is for us to protect our thoughts by aligning them with what the Creator of the universe says about us. The one who know the plans. The One who has called, justified, and glorified us in Christ Jesus. This is the only truth that matters and what should be the loudest on the mic. It’s time to elevate our minds family as we step into the will of the one who is A to Z. The God Who Is, The God Who Was, and The God About to Arrive.


  1. What is one step you’re going to take this week to being intentional about stepping into the will of God?

  2. What are some thoughts that God is asking you to surrender to Him today? 


Lord, I am so grateful for your love. For how you teach and coach me throughout my faith journey. I know that I need a Savior and cannot do this life without you. Lead me Father. Show me the path to take according to your good, perfect and pleasing will. I love you Lord, and I seal this devotional with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Additional Reflection

Say this with me fam. “If I can get my thinking in line with the word of God, I can get my emotions in line. If I can control my emotions, my decisions will follow. If I can make better decisions, I can make better actions. If I can make better actions, that leads to better habits. Better habits leading to building my character. Once I get my character in line with God then I’m stepping into the will of God, propelling me into the purpose God has on my life.”

Take a moment to write out your own prayer to God for what you are expecting as you step into another realm of God-given purpose.